Many different accommodation options are available around the conference venue. Please check the map below.
Stay at Istituto Gaspare Bertoni
Rooms at Istituto Bertoni have run out.
We have a deal for some rooms in the boarding house Istituto Gaspare Bertoni (about 2.5km from the conference site). Single rooms at 27.50€ per night, double rooms at 22.00€ per person per night, including breakfast (minimum stay: two nights). All rooms have private bathroom and shower. Reception is open 16—22 on Sunday, 8—20 Monday through Friday, and 8—12 on Saturday morning. We have just learned that, in July, the reception is closed on Saturday.
The main entrance to Istituto Bertoni is currently closed due to construction. You should enter from the side gate at viale Bernardino da Morcote 21. After entering the gate keep the main building on your left until you get to the bike parking area: behind it is the reception entrance (see photo).
Hotels map
Conference venue
Istituto Bertoni
As July is the peak of the turistic season, we strongly suggest to book your accommodation in advance.