In­for­ma­tion for speakers

If you are a speaker at LOGIC COL­LO­QUIUM 2018, this page con­tains useful in­for­ma­tion to make your talk go as smooth as pos­si­ble.

The rooms used for talks are equipped with a PC to show your slides (all rooms have also black­boards: how­ever in Room C the screen covers most of the board, and in Room B the screen com­pletely covers the board). To ease the or­ga­ni­za­tion we ask you to submit to us your pre­sen­ta­tion slides at most the evening be­fore your talk, so that each PC can be pre­pared be­fore­hand with the cor­re­sponding slides.

In par­tic­u­lar, please follow the fol­lowing in­struc­tions:

  1. En­sure your pre­sen­ta­tion is in PDF for­mat.

    If you pre­pared your slides using La­TeX, en­sure to have a PDF file and not a Post­Script one, com­piling it with pdflatex or equiv­a­lent. If you pre­pare your slides with Pow­er­Point© or sim­ilar pre­sen­ta­tion soft­ware, please ex­port your pre­sen­ta­tion to PDF format be­fore­hand. On re­cent Pow­er­Point© ver­sions, you can do it by chosing Save as... from the File menu and then se­lecting the PDF item from the File format menu in the Save as... di­alog win­dow.

  2. Up­load your pre­sen­ta­tion.

    We kindly ask you to up­load the pre­sen­ta­tion file as ex­plained be­low, at most the evening be­fore your talk (please not after 10PM if your talk is in the morn­ing).

    Please check the timetable of your talk on the con­fer­ence schedule page.

    To up­load the file, please follow one of the fol­lowing links de­pending on the time slot as­signed to your talk. You will be asked to pro­vide your name (for our con­ve­nience, so that we can easily rec­og­nize the up­loaded files) and an email ad­dress for con­fir­ma­tion.

    Please se­lect your time slot:

    Morning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat­urday
    Af­ter­noon Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday

    Note: If you want to up­date your up­load, please re­peat the pro­ce­dure spelling your name in the same way (in­cluding cap­ital let­ters) and using the same file name, so that we can iden­tify sub­se­quent ver­sions of the same up­load.

For any problem or ques­tion, please write to lc18@u­ni­

As­pect ratio of beamers

As some speakers asked us which as­pect ratio is pro­vided by the beam­ers, here is a list of the ones that we man­aged to know in ad­vance:

  • Rooms 2, C, D, and I have a 4:3 beamer.
  • Rooms 1, B, and F have a 16:9 beamer.