So­cial Events

The thriving sci­en­tific pro­gram of LOGIC COL­LO­QUIUM 2018 is com­pleted by a rich se­lec­tion of so­cial ac­tiv­i­ties to foster col­lab­o­ra­tion among all the par­tic­i­pants, while dis­cov­ering the artistic and nat­ural land­scapes of the beau­tiful Friu­lian province.

Wel­come re­cep­tion Monday July 23, 19:30 — 21:30

The wel­come re­cep­tion will be held at Loggia del Li­onello, a beau­tiful Vene­tian-era her­itage in the very center of the city. The event is in­cluded in the reg­is­tra­tion fee. Ad­di­tional ac­com­pa­nying tickets can be pur­chased for € 18 per per­son.

Guided ex­cur­sion Wednesday July 25, af­ter­noon Choose among the fol­lowing op­tions

Fu­sine lakes € 25.00 per person

At a few kilo­me­ters from the world-­class skiing fa­cil­i­ties of Tarvi­sio, the twin Fu­sine lakes offer one of the iconic land­scapes of the Ju­lian Alps.

Sturdy shoes are rec­om­mended, for an easy hike on mostly flat ter­rain. Bus will de­part from pi­azza I° maggio (see be­low) at 14:00. Ex­pected re­turn to Udine at 19:30.

Look at the group photo!

Aquileia € 25.00 per person

Once a crit­ical com­mer­cial hub of the Roman Em­pire, Aquileia is an UN­ESCO World Her­itage Site fea­turing an im­por­tant Roman ar­chae­o­log­ical site, but also the Basilica of Santa Maria As­sunta, fea­turing early Chris­tian mo­saics (4th cen­tu­ry), which rep­re­sent a mile­stone in the his­tory of Italian art.

Bus will de­part from pi­azza I° maggio (see be­low) at 14:15. Ex­pected re­turn in Udine at 19:30.

Meeting point for ex­cur­sions

Buses will de­part from pi­azza I° maggio at 14:00 (Fusine) and 14:15 (Aquileia).

Pi­azza I° maggio is re­ally close to the con­fer­ence venue. Just leave the building from the coffee break area and go to the right to exit from the court­yard in­stead of the main en­trance. Then con­tinue straight until a ramp of stairs will bring your down di­rectly to the square. The meeting point is on the op­po­site side of the oval gar­den, just below the castle hill.

Guided tour of Udine € 10.00 per person

Of late me­dieval origin, Udine be­came the cul­tural and eco­nomic center of the Friu­lian area during the Venetian dom­i­na­tion, which left long lasting signs in the city's ar­chi­tec­ture and urban land­scape. The guided tour of Udine will in­clude the visit to the Archiepis­copal Palace and the Or­a­tory of Pu­rity, both with paint­ings by reinas­sance artists Gi­ambat­tista Tiepolo and his son Gi­an­domenico.

The tour starts from Pi­azza Lib­ertà (in front of the Wel­come re­cep­tion lo­ca­tion) at 15:00.

Con­fer­ence dinner Wednesday 25, evening € 45.00 per person Villa de Clar­icini Dorn­pacher

Spe­cial veg­e­tarian and gluten-free menus avail­able. Op­por­tu­nity to visit the villa rooms and to buy wines pro­duced in the cellar. Buses will de­part from pi­azza I° maggio (same as for ex­cur­sions, see above) at ap­prox­i­mately 19:30 and will re­turn to Udine after the din­ner.