
The ASL and the local or­ga­nizing com­mittee will make avail­able modest awards to grad­uate stu­dents and to re­cent PhDs in logic to at­tend the meet­ing.

Ap­pli­ca­tions for stu­dent grants and rec­om­men­da­tions should be re­ceived be­tween Jan­uary 1 and May 4, 2018. They should be sub­mitted elec­tron­i­cally, by email to LC18­grant@u­ni­

If elec­tronic sub­mis­sion is not pos­si­ble, ap­pli­ca­tions and rec­om­men­da­tions should be mailed to:

Prof. H. Dugald Macpherson
PC chair of LOGIC COL­LO­QUIUM 2018
School of Math­e­mat­ics, Uni­ver­sity of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.

Ap­pli­cants will be no­ti­fied by May 18, 2018. Grant ap­pli­cants should not reg­ister for the con­fer­ence be­fore get­ting an an­swer: the grant might in fact in­clude a waiver or a re­duc­tion of the con­fer­ence fee.

To be con­sid­ered for a grant, please submit by email:

  1. a letter of ap­pli­ca­tion, as an email at­tach­ment, with file name:


  2. a brief rec­om­men­da­tion letter sent to us from your thesis su­per­vi­sor, as an email at­tach­ment, with file name:


The ap­pli­ca­tion letter should be brief (at most one page) and should in­clude:

  1. your name
  2. your home in­sti­tu­tion
  3. your thesis su­per­vi­sor’s name
  4. a one-­para­graph de­scrip­tion of your studies and work in logic (not more than 100 words), and a shorter para­graph in­di­cating why it is im­por­tant to at­tend the meeting
  5. an es­ti­mate of your travel ex­penses
  6. (for cit­i­zens or res­i­dents of the USA) cit­i­zen­ship or visa status
  7. (vol­un­tary) in­di­ca­tion of your gender and mi­nority status

In ad­di­tion to funds pro­vided by the ASL, the awards pro­gram is sup­ported by a grant from the US Na­tional Sci­ence Foun­da­tion; NSF funds for meet­ings out­side of North America may be awarded only to stu­dents at USA uni­ver­si­ties and to cit­i­zens and per­ma­nent res­i­dents of the USA. Air travel paid for using NSF funds must be in ac­cor­dance with the Fly America Act.


Grant ap­pli­ca­tion dead­line: May 4, 2018

No­ti­fi­ca­tion: May 18, 2018