Log­ics, types, and se­man­tics Sym­po­sium in ho­nour of Furio Hon­sell, on the oc­ca­sion of his 60th birthday

LOGIC COL­LO­QUIUM 2018 will host the LTS work­shop as a satel­lite event that will take place on July 22, 2018. For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion please visit http://lt­s.di­m­i.u­ni­ud.it.

From the work­shop web­site:

Log­ics, types, and se­man­tics are across-the-board con­cepts, emerging in var­ious areas of The­o­ret­ical Com­puter Sci­ence. Logics play a fun­da­mental role e.g. in ver­i­fi­ca­tion of pro­gram­ming lan­guages.

Type the­o­ries, and the closely re­lated set the­o­ries, are cen­tral in se­man­tics of pro­gram­ming lan­guages. The aim of the present work­shop is to bring to­gether re­searchers in­ter­ested to dis­cuss the present and fu­ture per­spec­tives of these top­ics.